Wednesday, April 18, 2007

last day in europe.. so sad!!

Time of a lifetime wow. i dont even know where i could possibly start. Im so sad to leave. i hate good-byes SO much.. last time i was like this, i was leaving capes..sort of a sinking feeling i think. Last night we got to Frankfurt and met up with our German budd, Yan for one last time. ( Alex and Yan...german guys we met 3 times through the trip also in Barcelona and Lisboa..guys coolest ever!! ) in my mind that was the last thing to look forward to, the ending marker..seeing him, and now its gone. It was so great though..went out for dinner and walked around the river... then He took us out up on this terrace roof up high and it was the most amazing view of the sky-rises and colourful city at night. When we split i lost it.. this might be more sad than capes, cause who knows when ill ever see them again. ahhhhh! ohh man. now its just the waiting till we fly home. it will be the longest day.. haha, we leave here and get back before we left.. kind of..ya..haha. interesting. 10 hour and Dallas have a date.- i love that music at times right now. sorry, oh man, this is getting depressing. if your still reading this...thanks for listening! your a trooper. lol. nah, i know ill be fine once im home. theres definaely a lot of look forward to. ok..thats it thats all.. see ya soon!!! stay tuned for pictures :-)


Corinne said...

Sheri-Lee I can't wait until I can talk to you, and hear all of your stories, experiences and any advice that you can give me before I head out. Reading your blogs is making me so excited to get out there and have as you say an adventure of a life time! Have a safe flight home!
Love Corinne<><

linda said...

Hey Lee:I'm sure you are very sad to have this wonderful adventure end but we are all looking forward to you coming home. Sounds to me that you are loved wherever you are, and that's a great thing!! Have a safe flight, your mom & dad will be waiting to see you, as will the rest of your family!! THANKS for all the cool updates, it has been just great following your trip with your friends. ~~Luv Auntie Linda~~

Neil said...

What is it with us Canadians always crying when we leave Europe?! -- I so had the same problem when I left before Bible School last year! What an amazing time indeed -- I can't wait to hear some of the stories in person this summer! Safe flying Sheri-Lee!